A heartfelt welcome to returning members: Fenton Real Estate Team, Individual Medley, and Link n Hops.
Fenton Real Estate Team*
Your Neighbors and Local Real Estate Agents in Atwater Village
Shannon and Joey Fenton
3371 Glendale Blvd #118
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Tel: (310) 365-6118
Email: Shannon@Fentonla.com
Website: FentonLA.com
Facebook: FentonLARealEstate
Instagram: fentonrealestate
Individual Medley*
Curated goods for you and your home.
Monica Navarro, Owner
3176 Glendale Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Tel: (323) 665-5344
Email: hey@individualmedleystore.com
Website: www.indivdualmedleystore.com
Facebook: individualmedley
Instagram: individualmedleystore
Link n Hops*
Sausage & Beer, Gastropub
Andy Hasroun, Owner
3111 Glendale Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Tel: 323.426.9049
Website: www.linknhops.com
As a voice for the Atwater Village small business community, we rely on your financial support and membership to create a positive and successful business environment in Atwater Village. Join or renew you membership today!