The Atwater Village Chamber of Commerce invites you to renew your membership or join if you're not already a member.
As a voice for the Atwater Village small business community, we rely on your financial support and membership to create a positive and successful business environment in Atwater Village. Renew your membership or join today!
Why should I renew my membership or join the Chamber?
Here are four great reasons to renew your membership or join the Chamber: When you become a member of the Atwater Village Chamber of Commerce, you get…
1. VISIBILITY. Sign up today and receive an enhanced listing on our online business directory and plugin your business into the Atwater Village brand via our "Shop Atwater Village First" campaign. You'll also get quarterly shout-outs via our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) that helps promote your business.
2. NETWORK. You are not alone, join other small business owners at quarterly mixers. Network, socialize and talk with Atwater's business community about issues that matter to you and your business.
3. ACCESS. When you join the Atwater Village Chamber of Commerce, you'll have an advocate and greater access to our City Council members, community organizations; local schools; and the Los Angeles Police Department.
4. DEDUCTIBLE. As a 501 (c) 6 non-profit organization, your membership dues are deductible as a valid business expense under applicable tax laws.
How much are membership dues?
Our yearly membership fee is just $80.00 for small businesses (1-30 employees); this includes Sole-Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, and S-Corporations. The membership fee for Volunteer Non-Profits or Religious Organizations is $25.00 for the calendar year.
We are a volunteer-operated organization, 100% of your membership dues go towards creating a positive and successful business environment in Atwater Village.
Who can join?
Memberships are open to all businesses, large and small, operating in or near Atwater Village. We especially welcome small businesses, wither they're new to the area or have been in the community for a long time.
Are you ready to renew your membership or join?
If you're ready to renew or join, all you need do is submit a membership application. You can do this online or print and mail in your form (see links below).
If you have questions please contact us at or at (818) 732-1413 (leave a voice message)