
Once more L.A.’s small business community has fallen prey to the City's ill-conceived regulatory whims. This time it comes in the form of a City-authorized shakedown of small businesses that masquerades as “environmentally friendly” program.

RecycLA is L.A.’s new Commercial Waste Franchise System.  This new citywide program creates a monopoly by forcing all businesses and large multi-family homes to contract with one exclusive waste-hauling provider per area. As such the City compels businesses to pay above-market waste hauling costs, pay for duplicate recycling service for those who already recycle, and it imposes fees for add-on services that most waste-hauling providers provide for free.

The program is presently being implemented in the Atwater Village/North East area. Our exclusive waste hauler is Universal Waste System, Inc.

Let our elected representatives at City Hall hear your voice. Contact them today and share your RecycLA experience. Please consider forwarding your new service contract along with a brief comment about RecycLA. 

Click here to send City Hall an email OR cut-n-paste email addresses below

councilmember.cedillo@lacity.org, councilmember.Krekorian@lacity.org, councilmember.blumenfield@lacity.org, david.ryu@lacity.org, paul.koretz@lacity.org, councilmember.martinez@lacity.org, Councilmember.Rodriguez@lacity.org, councilmember.harris-dawson@lacity.org, councilmember.price@lacity.org, councilmember.wesson@lacity.org, councilmember.bonin@lacity.org, councilmember.englander@lacity.org, councilmember.ofarrell@lacity.org, councilmember.huizar@lacity.org, councilmember.buscaino@lacity.org, info@uwscompany.com, Enrique.Zaldivar@lacity.org, reina.pereira@lacity.org, kevin.james@lacity.org, heather.repenning@lacity.org, mike.davis@lacity.org, joel.jacinto@lacity.org, luz.rivas@lacity.org, ashley.atkinson@lacity.org, board@atwaterchamber.org

Read more about RecycLA in a recent Los Feliz Ledger article and L.A. Times editorial, see links below:

RecycLA Roll Out Aggravates Area Businesses [Los Feliz Ledger]

In its effort to go green, L.A. created a trash monopoly that's gouging customers. They need to fix it [L.A. Times]