Mayor Eric Garcetti has proposed the creation of a city ordinance that will raise the minimum wage in the City of Los Angeles. His proposal calls for raising the minimum wage to $13.25 per hour for 2017. The proposal also seeks the immediate increase of the minimum wage to $10.25 in 2015 and another increase to $11.75 for 2016.  The State's minimum wage is currently at $9.00 per hour.

The proposed city ordinance will only apply to employers operating within the Los Angeles city limits. Employers operating in other local municipalities, such as the City of Glendale, would not be affected by the proposed ordinance and could continue to use the State's minimum wage. 

The Atwater Village Chamber of Commerce (AVCC) is seeking input from business members and other local businesses on Eric Garcetti's proposal to raise the minimum wage in the City of Los Angeles. Please familiarize yourself with the Garcetti's minimum wage proposal and take our survey.

Click here to take survey

For more information on the minimum wage proposal click on the following links

Mayor's Information Page

Raise the Wage LA

Local News Articles

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announces plan for minimum wage hike

Mayor Garcetti hopes to pass $13.25 minimum wage in L.A. by early 2015

Mayor Garcetti's Minimum Wage Hike Meets Skeptics In Boyle Heights

Valley Businesses Mull Minimum Wage Hike

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