The City of Los Angeles is now accepting candidates for the May 14th, 2016 Atwater Village Neighborhood Council (AVNC) Board Election. In May Atwater Village will select 17 representatives to serve on AVNC’s governing board. The AVNC is a quasi-governmental city agency that serves as an advisory board to the City of Los Angeles. Representing our community it counsels the City on wide range of local issues. In addition, the AVNC Board manages taxpayer funds in form of an annual budget of $42,000.
The City of Los Angeles is accepting candidate filing forms thru March 15th. Filing forms need to be received by or before the due date to qualify as a candidate for the May 14th election.
There are 17 open seats on the AVNC’s Governing Board consisting of the following stakeholder categories: North Atwater Representative (4), Central Atwater Representative (4), South Atwater Representative (4), Business Representative (1), Non-Profit Representative (1), Education Representative (1), Faith-Based Organizations Representative (1) and At-Large Representative (1). All serve for a two year term.
To qualify as a Business Representative you need to be at least 16 years or older and have an ownership interest in, or be an employee or an agent of, a business located within Atwater Village.